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Writing online is the BEST way to earn extra spending money. All things online begin with writing content. If you're a great writer, why not use that. Earn Money Online: 92 Websites that Pay Writers. blogger.com Tired of writing for pennies (or peanuts or · TextBroker is one of the most popular ‘content mills’ around, and allows writers to make money by writing articles/content for clients and businesses. TextBroker has been in business long time, and while the registration process takes some time and requires writers to submit proof of identification, TextBroker is a stable and reliable way to make money by blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins FreshBooks (yup, that same freelancer invoicing site we recommend) pays $ a post and up. Be prepared to negotiate to get a better rate. Acorns has a new online pub called Grow Magazine that pays $50+ for finance writing geared toward millennials
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