A physician is the one who practices and gives medicines to the patient. He treats diseases through medicines. A surgeon is a person who performs surgery. Surgery is when a doctor operates on the human body. Doctors are known for their special purposes. Different doctor study about different organs in Essay on If I were a Doctor. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: Every person born in this world will have an aim or goal in life. There is nothing wrong in having an ambition but one should not be overambitious. When I was still quite young and a student in a high school, a doctor visited our school and gave a lecture on healthcare. He stressed · Essay Contents [ hide] 1 Essay on Doctors For Students. The Life of a Doctor. Ten reasons why Doctors are Important for us. 2 Essay on My Dream Job Doctor For Children & Students. My Dream Job Essay. Conclusion. The Doctor has a noble profession. A doctor’s duty is to treat and cure sick people
Essay On Doctors | Role & Importance of Doctors in our Life For Students
A Doctor is a person who treats sick people. It is one of the most noble occupation which helps human beings at saving their life. One has to study in a easy essay on doctor college and qualify to become a doctor.
From the very beginning, there have been various kinds of people who treat diseases. There are two easy essay on doctor categories of a doctor- a physician and a surgeon. A physician is the one who practices and gives medicines to the patient. He treats diseases through medicines. A surgeon is a person who performs surgery.
Surgery is when a doctor operates on the human body. Doctors are known for their special purposes. Different doctor study about different organs in our body. A doctor who treats diseases of teeth is called a dentist.
There are nurses and other people to help a doctor. Doctors work in a hospital and in their own clinics too. People respect doctors like gods because they save our lives. A doctor is also respected because one works really hard to become a doctor.
Doctors take an oath that they will treat a patient anytime with love and dedication. Nowadays science has developed a lot and doctors are able to save people from very serious diseases. In our age, doctors can cure such diseases which were not possible in earlier times. One can know a doctor by the way she hangs an instrument called stethoscope around her neck.
Good doctors are gentle and soft towards patients, easy essay on doctor. Skip to content. Table of Contents. Close Menu. Add English Summary to home Add!
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· Essay on Doctor: The noblest profession in the medical field is that of a doctor. They save lives and prescribe the right diagnosis, medical treatments and medicine to cure our illnesses and diseases. Doctors treat their patients with a lot of warmth and care. Doctors render the greatest service to humanity through their acts of kindness Essay on If I were a Doctor. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: Every person born in this world will have an aim or goal in life. There is nothing wrong in having an ambition but one should not be overambitious. When I was still quite young and a student in a high school, a doctor visited our school and gave a lecture on healthcare. He stressed · Essay Contents [ hide] 1 Essay on Doctors For Students. The Life of a Doctor. Ten reasons why Doctors are Important for us. 2 Essay on My Dream Job Doctor For Children & Students. My Dream Job Essay. Conclusion. The Doctor has a noble profession. A doctor’s duty is to treat and cure sick people
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