I’m happy to announce the new version of the world famous writing style analyzer, I Write Like. The new version has been rewritten from scratch in Go. It has a slightly improved algorithm, so your results may differ from the previous ones. Go check it out! Apr. 27 In case you missed the meme ricocheting through social communities last week, here’s the story: A new website, I Write Like, uses algorithmic software to analyze your copy and compare it to that of famous authors. Find out which famous author copies your work. To find out who you write like or (cough) who writes like you, go to the I Write Like website. Paste in your copy—a post, article or chapter of that novel you’re working on The website declared I write like Vladimir Nabakov. I tried the closing paragraph and was informed the writing was comparable to James Fenimore Cooper. Hmm. Did I get the right era? Jack London was born in San Francisco in Vladimir Nabakov was born in Russia in , but is known as an American novelist
You write like James Joyce - I Write Like
This blog further explores my findings using the website, iwl. me, which takes a few paragraphs of your work and reveals what famous authors your writing most resembles, i write like website. As noted in Part I, my poetry was compared to the writing of James Joyce and P. I write in many different arenas and not surprisingly, i write like website, the findings of this website revealed my writing style was as diverse as the forums: blogging, novels, and personal essays.
I was particularly curious to see if a letter I had written for a contest where I was supposed to impersonate Jack London writing a query letter in the present day to sell one of his short stories would indicate I write like Jack London. Here is the opening paragraph from that letter:. I i write like website your monthly because the readers of your magazine will be flying to or from Alaska, and it i write like website seem certain that my story of 7, words would give them great pleasure.
Perhaps, those patrons that proceed to venture into the wilds of Alaska might even be spared the fate of i write like website fire-provider in my story. Did I succeed? The website declared I write like Vladimir Nabakov.
I tried the closing paragraph and was informed the writing was comparable to James Fenimore Cooper. Did I get the right era? Jack London was born in San Francisco in Vladimir Nabakov was born in Russia inbut is known as an American novelist. Not bad. James Fenimore Cooper was an American born inalmost years i write like website to Jack London, but again, is described as an American novelist.
At least, I succeeded in writing like an American. I have completed two very different novels, one is a contemporary young adult story from the perspective of a sixteen year old girl and the second is historical fiction novel set in the s with a male protagonist. I took excerpts from various chapters from both of these novels and consistently got the same result: Dan Brown.
I admit I was a little disappointed, but then I got to thinking about my technique. I am a plot driven writer, i write like website.
I pride myself on producing solid endings to my chapters with the intent to keep the reader wanting to turn the page. My novels both have a sense of an underlying mystery. I have written i write like website novels for commercial appeal. To that end, it would appear I do write like Dan Brown. I put in a few samples of blogs and personal essays that suggested various other authors, including Stephen King.
Not once did Dan Brown pop up, nor did a woman author materialize from the algorithmic analysis. Guess I write like a man. What author does your prose most resemble? Visit iwl. me to find out and then add a comment on what you discover. Copyright by Cheryl Spanos, David George, Jill Hedgecock, Jack Russ, Susan McClurg Berman, Fran Cain, Elisabeth Tuck, Melanie Denman, and Writers on the Journey Blog, Blog at WordPress.
Writers on the Journey Blog Musings on creative writing and the path to publication. I Write Like Who? Part 2 of 2 January 14, This blog further explores my findings using the website, iwl. Buck photographs poetry polishing publication publicity Publishing readers Reading reflection research Richard Wright Ruby Dooby Do SCBWI Self Publishing sentence revisions Shakespeare social networking Stories for Children magazine story Suzanne Collins Tarot cards Texas The Good Earth vibrant vivid voice websites Why?
Writing California Writers Club CWC Jack London Joaquin Miller world-building writers Writers conferences Writing writing location writing space writing techniques. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy.
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, time: 14:13Who Do You Write Like?

like write i website. analyzing an argument essay. How To Write A Concluding Sentence For A Paragraph. Written Response Example. apa style research paper sample. problem solution thesis statement; synthesis essay example ap english; give me a topic to write about In case you missed the meme ricocheting through social communities last week, here’s the story: A new website, I Write Like, uses algorithmic software to analyze your copy and compare it to that of famous authors. Find out which famous author copies your work. To find out who you write like or (cough) who writes like you, go to the I Write Like website. Paste in your copy—a post, article or chapter of that novel you’re working on Inventors of "I Write Like" also make a useful diary app for Mac called Mémoires. It's the easiest and safest way to keep a journal on your Mac. It comes with strong encryption, so that your personal diary is safe from prying eyes. It's very good, try it
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