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Home — Essay Samples — Business — My Interest In Studying Business. Maths has helped me with the critical thinking that it involves and learning more about how to use this knowledge to work out the best arrangement or contract. I had chosen Economics to give me a broad idea of how the economy works, understanding the demand and supply of a service, how to adjust to changing conditions and make better choices when it comes to it.
Furthermore, having had Business Studies had allowed me to participate in a programme called Brunei Entrepreneurship Education Scheme BEES where we were tasked to start a new small medium enterprise SME with our own approach of collecting capital from prospective shareholders, come up with a creative service and make a profit at the end of it.
During my time during this programme, I was elected as Managing Director for our company, Stung by BEES and was asked to give a small presentation regarding how the service worked. A good way to keep it short and sweet.
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This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. My Interest in Studying Business Category: BusinessEducation Subcategory: Higher EducationLearning Topic: Academic InterestsStudy Page: 1 Words: Published: 08 August Downloads: 89 Download Print.
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· A short essay which you reflect upon your interests, talents and life goes. 3/10/ 3 Comments I have developed several interests in my daily life My Interest Short Essay, how to introduce gang violence in a essay, business plan template ngo, curriculum vitae format english Leave your tiresome assignments to our professional writers that will bring you quality papers before the deadline for reasonable prices/10() The reasons for my interests come from my general enthusiasm for learning and reading about everything. I chose science because that seemed to be my strength, which derived from my curiosity in nature. From an early start, I was capturing frogs and insects during my walk in the nearby woods
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