Department of Political Science Winter 1. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE. Monday Please confirm location at Carleton Central. Instructor: Andrea Wagner. Office: A Loeb Building. Office Hours: Monday Quantitative Methods (Political Science), Political communication, Social Media, Frames A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE IVORIAN POLITICAL SYSTEM: The Case for a Parliamentary Regime in Côte d'Ivoire This paper has two purposes Empirical analysis, however, focuses on using common terms to explain and describe political reality and can be either quantitative or qualitative in nature. If something is empirical, it is verifiable through observations or experiments. Empirical analysis is the focus of this research paper. A. Definition of Quantitative Research
Qualitative vs Quantitative Research - Political Science - iResearchNet
View sample political science research paper on Qualitative vs. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance.
We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. Comparing and Contrasting Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. For decades, there has been a raging debate among scholars regarding the political science quantitative research paper between and political science quantitative research paper of qualitative and quantitative methods.
In fact, this has probably been one of the largest and longest methodological debates in all of social science research. Although it is not necessarily critical to determine which—if either—of these approaches can be described as the better one, it is imperative to have a thorough understanding of these methods in order to be able to conduct sound political science research.
After all, for a study to be of value to scholars and other individuals interested in the topic, it is necessary political science quantitative research paper one to choose the correct research approach, ask suitable questions, use appropriate research methods and statistical analyses, correctly deduce or induce inferences, and have suitable general goals driving the research. The questions under consideration and political science quantitative research paper answers obtained by any particular study will depend on whether the study uses quantitative or qualitative approaches.
The purpose of this research paper is to differentiate between these two types of research. First, the literature available on this topic is briefly summarized, focusing specifically on how qualitative and quantitative research is defined, as well as the different assumptions on which these types of research are based, political science quantitative research paper. Next, a summary of the similarities and differences political science quantitative research paper each stage of the research process is provided.
Then, the different methods that these two types of approaches use are discussed. Next, since this is a book examining political science in the 21st century, current and future research directions are examined. In particular, the use of what are called mixed methods approaches is discussed. The research paper ends with a brief summary and conclusion of the information that has been presented.
Finally, suggested books and articles for further reading are provided, including some material for individuals interested in conducting advanced statistical studies, which are beyond the scope of this research paper. The following section introduces the definitions and assumptions of quantitative and qualitative research.
First, however, it is worth briefly discussing two types of political analysis in order to understand the origins of quantitative and qualitative methods. Political scientists distinguish between empirical analysis—obtaining and dealing with knowledge and information—and normative analysis— determining how to use that knowledge. Normative analysis relies on the development of subjective goals and values to apply what has been learned to reality.
Political science quantitative research paper analysis, however, focuses on using common terms to explain and describe political reality and can be either quantitative or qualitative in nature. If something is empirical, it is verifiable through observations or experiments. Empirical analysis is the focus of this research paper. As a first step, it is necessary to define these two methods of research and examine their goals.
Quantitative research can be defined as a process of inquiry examining an identified problem that is based on political science quantitative research paper a theory measured by numbers and analyzed with statistical techniques. Thus, quantitative research involves the analysis of numerical data. The econometric refinements and statistical alternatives referred to by the authors are beyond the scope of this research paper but include logit and probit models, time-series analysis, and a variety of techniques to circumvent problems that can occur in regression analysis, such as heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation.
Essentially, quantitative methods have played a major role in improving on commonly used research tools within the structure of regression models that are frequently used in the field of political science. The goal of quantitative research is to examine particular instances or aspects of phenomena to determine if predictive generalizations of a theory hold true or to test causal hypotheses.
As a result, there are several key assumptions underlying quantitative research methods, which are briefly outlined here. These include the following:. Qualitative research can be defined as a process of inquiry that builds a complex and holistic picture of a particular phenomenon of interest by using a natural setting. Thus, qualitative research involves the analysis of words, pictures, videos, or objects in the context in which they occur.
The goal of qualitative research is to understand social issues from multiple perspectives to have a comprehensive understanding of a particular event, person, or group, political science quantitative research paper. As with quantitative research, there are several key assumptions underlying qualitative research methods:.
The following section examines how quantitative and qualitative methods are similar to and different from each other throughout the research process, beginning with the creation of a research question and up to the reporting of the results. Although examining quantitative and qualitative methods as two separate categories is necessary for the sake of clarification throughout this section, it is important to realize that these two methods are not mutually exclusive, a topic that will be discussed in more detail shortly.
This is important to keep in mind while reading this research paper. The first step in conducting sound political science research is selecting a research question. An appropriate research question should fulfill either a scientific need or a societal need by helping to provide an answer to an important problem. Both quantitative and qualitative forms of research begin by creating a research question that is intended to produce knowledge of the empirical world.
In terms of the research questions, the main difference between quantitative and qualitative methods typically exists in the type of questions that are being posed. A theory is a potential political science quantitative research paper for events and is composed of a set of logically related propositions and assumptions. Theorizing is the actual process of stating these conceptual explanations for events that take place in the real world by proclaiming relationships among the concepts, political science quantitative research paper.
Theories are created to help people understand phenomena. There are several characteristics that make a theory particularly useful in explaining observations. Theories should be a testable, b logically sound, c communicable, d general, and e parsimonious. Theorizing is a critical phase of the research process for quantitative and qualitative researchers.
However, political science quantitative research paper, quantitative researchers are more likely than qualitative researchers to focus on testing performed theories. Quantitative researchers base their studies on a theory that relates to their subject in an attempt to develop generalizations that contribute to theory.
Thus, in quantitative research, theorizing occurs prior to the collection of data. Qualitative researchers, on the other hand, are more likely than quantitative researchers to elaborate on theories while making observations of a particular phenomenon. Many qualitative researchers argue that, as a result of this, their theories are far more grounded in reality than are those of quantitative researchers.
However, quantitative researchers argue that the formulation of theory during the observation-making process can easily lead to the creation of a theory designed around those specific observations.
As a result, these theories would be polluted and not testable. Furthermore, if a theory is based on observation of one particular group, the usefulness of the theory is quite limited. Simply defined, a research design is the plan of a study. It organizes observations in a manner that establishes a logical basis for causal inference. Essentially, the research design can be viewed as the blueprint for a study, political science quantitative research paper.
There are three main types of research designs in political science: exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory. Exploratory research attempts to discover which factors should be included when theorizing about and researching a particular subject. Descriptive research attempts to measure some aspect of reality for its own sake and not for the purpose of developing or testing some theory.
Explanatory research uses observations of reality to test hypotheses and help develop an understanding of patterns of behavior in the context of a specific theory.
Regardless of the purpose of a study, every research design should have the same basic elements, which are outlined by Manheim et al. Although both quantitative and qualitative researchers produce research designs for their studies, quantitative researchers are much more likely than their counterparts to base their designs on the logic of experiments.
For instance, quantitative researchers often emphasize control groups, pretests, and other elements that provide them with the opportunity to hold some factor s constant in their attempt to make causal inferences. Qualitative research designs, on the other hand, typically focus more on who political science quantitative research paper what is being observed, where the observation will take place, how observations will be conducted, and how the data will be recorded.
For qualitative researchers, more emphasis is placed on viewing people and events as they naturally occur, while for quantitative researchers there is a greater focus political science quantitative research paper establishing cause-and-effect relationships. A sample is a small group of cases drawn from and used to represent a larger population under consideration. A representative sample is a sample in which each major attribute of the larger population occurs in approximately political science quantitative research paper same proportion or frequency as in the larger population.
When a sample is representative, the conclusions drawn from it are generalizable to the entire population. In quantitative studies, sampling is based on the logic of probability to produce statistical representativeness. Additionally, in quantitative research, sampling is done before the data are collected.
Qualitative researchers, on the other hand, usually create their sample once their study is already in progress. After observing, learning about, and gaining understanding from an initial case, qualitative researchers are then able to determine what they will observe next.
Additionally, whereas generalizability is a chief concern for quantitative researchers, this is not the case for qualitative researchers, who are far more concerned with finding the specific information that they are looking for from their sample. Since this method is very time-consuming, qualitative findings are often based on fewer cases than quantitative findings. Data are observations or information about reality that represent attributes of variables and result from the research process.
Although data collection is an integral part of both types of research methods, data are composed of words in qualitative research and numbers in quantitative research, which results in a data collection process that differs significantly for quantitative and qualitative research. Furthermore, the data collection process is different: Although quantitative researchers have the ability to administer a previously prepared questionnaire or watch an experiment unfold behind blind glass, qualitative researchers are engaged—sometimes for long periods of time—with the people or groups under study.
Qualitative researchers, on the other hand, political science quantitative research paper, tend to take a more fluid approach to their studies. This holds true for the analysis of data, as well, political science quantitative research paper. Whereas in quantitative studies, the data analysis methods are planned out in advance and then occur after the data are collected, data analysis typically takes place at the same time as data collection in qualitative studies, political science quantitative research paper.
To make appropriate future observations, analyses must often begin after studying one to several initial cases. As a result, quantitative researchers are not usually afforded the opportunity to modify their methods of data collection during a project, while qualitative researchers can do so at any point in a project after conducting the initial data analysis.
Additionally, although qualitative data are more subjective and sometimes difficult to interpret, quantitative data are easily coded into numerical formats.
As a result, it is much easier to enter quantitative data into computer programs, such as Excel and SPSS, than it is to enter qualitative data. Furthermore, there are a number of programs that analyze the statistical data, such as SPSS and Stata. Although programs do exist for the interpretation of qualitative data, they are not used nearly as extensively as those used for quantitative data analysis.
Finally, whereas quantitative researchers have a variety of means to test the statistical significance and validity of the data that they are analyzing, this is not the case for qualitative researchers. Instead, political science quantitative research paper, qualitative researchers must do their best to present a clear, accurate, political science quantitative research paper, and convincing analysis of their data.
As a result, a topic of much debate between quantitative and qualitative researchers is the validity and reliability of findings produced in studies, political science quantitative research paper. Validity is the extent to which measures correspond to the concepts they are intended to reflect. Reliability is the consistency with which a measuring instrument allows assignment of values to cases when repeated over time.
Although a measure can be reliable without being valid, political science quantitative research paper, it cannot be valid without being reliable.
An Introduction to Political Science Methods
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Quantitative Methods (Political Science), Public Opinion, Political communication, Quantitative Research Escaping ISIS: The Faith and Politics of Christian Survivors in Iraq Preparing manuscript for Empirical analysis, however, focuses on using common terms to explain and describe political reality and can be either quantitative or qualitative in nature. If something is empirical, it is verifiable through observations or experiments. Empirical analysis is the focus of this research paper. A. Definition of Quantitative Research Quantitative Methods (Political Science), Political communication, Social Media, Frames A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE IVORIAN POLITICAL SYSTEM: The Case for a Parliamentary Regime in Côte d'Ivoire This paper has two purposes
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