· Reflective Essay – Group Work Proper communication is an integral part of everyone’s daily lives. It is through communication that people have the opportunity to express themselves; how they feel and what their thoughts are. Without good communication, people will most likely misunderstand each other and create conflicts For this reasons, my course, in a way focused on enquiry based learning to develop important skills to empower student nurses while in the healthcare sector. Throughout this essay, I would be referring to Gibbs () reflective model to explore how the group · Writing A Reflective Essay On Group Work. It explains the different ways in which our group had to identify each other’s unique personalities and subsequently form and assign group tasks to
Reflection On Group Work - Words | Bartleby
This is reflective essay on group work example super common essay that teachers assign. This is a 6-step essay the 7 th step is editing! You might have heard that you need to define your terms in essays. Reflection is the process of:. You need to say how you will do better next time in order to get a top grade on this group work reflection essay. Okay, so you have a good general idea of what reflection is. Now, what scholarly sources should you use when explaining reflection?
I recommend these two sources to cite when explaining what reflective practice is and how it occurs. They are two of the central sources on reflective practice:. Brown, Bassot, B, reflective essay on group work example. The reflective practice guide: An interdisciplinary approach to critical reflection. Brock, A. What is reflection and reflective practice?. In The Early Years Reflective Practice Handbook pp. Gibbs, G. Further Education Unit, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford.
Rolfe, G. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Now, if you want to go deeper and really show off your knowledge, have a look at these two scholars:. Once you have given an explanation of what group work is and hopefully cited Gibbs, Rolfe, Dewey or SchonI recommend digging into the benefits of group work for your own learning.
The teacher gave you a group work task for a reason: what is that reason? This will show your teacher that you understand what group work is supposed to achieve. You might be able to add more ideas to this list, or you might just want to select one or two from that list to write about depending on the length requirements for the essay. Make sure you provide citations for these points above. Step 3 is the mirror image of Step 2.
For this step, explore the challenges posed by group work. Students are usually pretty good at this step because you can usually think of some aspects of group work that made you anxious or frustrated.
As with Step 3, consider adding more points to this list if you need to, or selecting one or two if your reflective essay on group work example is only a short one. Multiple Perspectives. Members of your team will have different perspectives to bring to the table. Embrace team brainstorming to bring reflective essay on group work example more ideas than you would on your own.
Time Consuming. You can get on with an individual task at your own pace, but groups need to arrange meet-ups and set deadlines to function effectively. This is time consuming and requires pre-planning. Contribution of Unique Skills. Each of your team members will have different skills. Learning Style Conflicts.
Some of your team members will want to get everything done at once; others will procrastinate frequently. You might also have conflicts in strategic reflective essay on group work example depending on your different approaches to learning.
Improved Communication Skills. Use group work to learn how to communicate more effectively. Focus on active listening and asking questions that will prompt your team members to expand on their ideas, reflective essay on group work example. Free Loaders. You need to ensure you delegate tasks to the lazy group members and be stern with them about sticking to the deadlines they agreed upon. Learn to Manage Workplace Conflict.
Use group work reflective essay on group work example university to learn how to deal with difficult team members calmly and professionally. Communication Breakdown. It can be hard to get group members all on the same page. Have a think: what were the issues you really struggled with as a group?
Feel free to also mention some things your group did really well. Have a think about these examples:. Step 5 is where you can explore how you worked to overcome some of the challenges you mentioned in Step 4. So, have a think:. In this step, you should be showing how your team was proactive in reflecting on your group work progress and making changes throughout the process to ensure it ran reflective essay on group work example smoothly as possible.
Schön, reflective essay on group work example, D. The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Step 6 is the most important step, and the one far too many students skip.
For Step 6, reflective essay on group work example, you need to show how you not only reflected on what happened but also are able to use that reflection for personal growth into the future. This step will be personalized based upon your own group work challenges and how you felt about the group work process.
Even if you think your group worked really well together, I recommend you still come up with one or two ideas for continual improvement. Your teacher will want to see that you used reflection to strive for continual self-improvement.
I hope you found it useful. If you liked this post and want more clear and specific advice on writing great essays, I recommend signing up to my personal tutor mailing list. Give me a comment below if you used this essay plan for your essay! Skip to content Here are the exact steps you need to follow for a reflection on group work essay: Explain what Reflection Is Explore the benefits of group work Explore the challenges group Give examples of the benefits and challenges your group faced Discuss how your group handled your challenges Discuss what you will do differently next time Edit!
Do you have to reflect on how your group work project went? Scholarly Sources to Cite for Step 1 Okay, so you have a good general idea of what reflection is. According to Gibbsyou can reflect on your actions through a 6-step process.
What were some things that helped you succeed? What could you have done differently to improve the situation? Action plan. What are you going to do next time to make the group work process better? Explain what happened So What? Explain what you learned Now What? What can I do next time to make the group work process better? Possible Sources: Bassot, B. Extension Sources for Top Students Now, if you want to go deeper and really show off your knowledge, have a look at these two scholars: John Dewey — the first major scholar to come up with the idea of reflective practice Donald Schön — technical rationality, reflection in action vs.
reflection on action Step 2. Explore the general benefits of group work for learning Once you have given an explanation of what group work is and hopefully cited Gibbs, Rolfe, reflective essay on group work example, Dewey or SchonI recommend digging into the benefits of group work for your own learning.
If you did the task on reflective essay on group work example own, you might not have thought of some of the ideas that your team members contributed to the project. Each team member might have a different set of skills they can bring to the table.
For example, one team member might be good at IT and might be able to put together a strong final presentation, reflective essay on group work example, while another member might be a pro at researching using google scholar so they got the task of doing the initial scholarly research. Group work projects help you to work on your communication skills. Lastly, your teachers often assign you group work tasks so you can learn to manage conflict and disagreement.
Scholarly Sources for Step 3 Make sure you provide citations for these points above. Step 3. Explore the general challenges group work can cause Step 3 is the mirror image of Step 2. When working on your own you can just crack on and get it done. Different people learn in different ways. Some of us like to get everything done at the last minute or are not very meticulous in our writing.
This leads to conflict and frustration in a group work setting. The issue of free loaders is always going to be a challenge in group work, and you can discuss in this section how ensuring individual accountability to the group is a common group work issue.
This is one especially for online students. Regular communication is an important part of group work, yet sometimes your team members will let you down on this part. Step 4. Was one team member absent for a few of the group meetings?
Did the group have to change some deadlines due to lack of time? Were there any specific disagreements you had to work through?
How to Write a Reflection Essay
, time: 5:53Personal Reflection On Group Work - Words | Bartleby
You work with fellow members of the group to complete the work that needs to be done. Having the right people in the correct roles is an important factor in measuring the success of a team, where you are united with the other members to complete the main goals. Every group is made up of definite strengths and weaknesses · Reflective Essay – Group Work Proper communication is an integral part of everyone’s daily lives. It is through communication that people have the opportunity to express themselves; how they feel and what their thoughts are. Without good communication, people will most likely misunderstand each other and create conflicts First, I want to get the good things out of the way. When you work in a group, you’re able to bounce ideas off each other. For example, in a group I can come up with a unique idea, and one of my group mates can follow up with another. This in turn makes coming up with ideas very efficient and quick
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